The WHY behind the name

The image above is the view from our kitchen looking into the family room during our huge renovation after buying our house, July 2009.  Prior to this, I had little experience when it came to taking out load-bearing walls, framing, plumbing etc.  However, my friend Julian did.  I worked alongside Julian (and others) on Habitat for Humanity builds, disaster relief work after Hurricane Katrina, and our renovation.  It was his know-how, encouragement, and guidance that gave me the confidence to take on projects that I would’ve otherwise hired out.  He would tell me, “What one man can do, you can do as well.”  Now, that may not be true all the time :), but the sentiment really hit home for me and provided tons of motivation.  Thanks, Julian!

Over the years I’ve noticed the same skills-gap and apprehensiveness in other men that I had prior to completing the projects I’ve done.  I want You can, man. to be a source of genuine encouragement and practical how-to.  This isn’t a blog showcasing some puffed-up faux masculinity like so many other blogs geared toward men (the put-a-beard-on-it/I just chopped fire wood in the wilderness whilst drinking whisky, watching a NFL game, and cleaning my shotgun, etc kinda thing).  Nope, this blog won’t offer much of that.  While I do have a beard (I’ve had it since 2006, get off me!), drink craft beer, love camping, own an old suv, and enjoy shooting my friend’s AR-15s, I’ve never been a fan of stereotypical manliness charades.  Here at You can, man. we’re about real men, learning real skills, taking on real projects for the betterment of themselves so they can in turn be a blessing to others.


[su_divider top=”no” size=”1″]Disclaimer: I’m no expert.  I’m a regular dude sharing info about the projects my friends and I have completed.  Don’t rely solely upon my advice.  Every project is different.  Do your research.  Proceed with caution.  Don’t be dumb.  Be safe.  You can, man.